Monday, 23 July 2012

Four reasons why you should not blame yourself when you fail

  "If you are not failing every now and then,
its a sign you are not doing anything very innovative"
-Woody Allen

Rather the strongest lines that justify failures.
The topic might sound cliched to you,but I promise you will enjoy reading it,because it will give you reasons to be happy in life even when you lose in your attempts(no,Iam not any psychologist-in-disguise).

You build up your dreams,and are headed to achieve it,no matter how hard you will have to work for it. That,which is the most-important goal of your life,whose existence matters everything to you. And suddenly,all your dreams are shattered into innumerable(and apparently uncollectible) pieces. Life does not seem to move ahead(or rather,you choose not to move?),and nothing seems to be worth-loving-for.

Sounds melodramatic,I have never been through such a phase :D
Iv heard people saying this so often on their failure,that they feel like quitting everything from their life. Frankly speaking,this has happened with me too once or twice(note:while I was in school.Within a year,college has made learn to find ways to keep myself happy). My classmates used to whine upon matters as mundane as scoring a low grade in weekly tests(sick!) But does all this creeping-and-crying actually worth it?

As I said,I have learnt ways to keep myself happy,and so Iv found weird-yet-worthy ways to liften my mood in my failure. Following are the top four ways that work marveouslly to keep me happy:

1.I have such a great heart,thats just another example of my magnanimity!
"I have gifted my most precious thing for sake of someone else"-thats what hits my mind. However,the idea that everyone nowadays use it so frequently just for the sake of fun frustrates me,because when I say it I mean it. I really feel like a saint then,and have a positive feeling at some desolated corner of my heart that if not this,then there's something better waiting for me.

2."Its not the 101th blow that made the stone break,it were the preceding 100 blows!"
An idea to good to be pondered upon(and too good to be used as a vindication for your failure :p). Oh,failure again?Confers that Iam still not capable to handle the heavy load of victory! Never mind,Ive learned something new,and next time I'll be better than what I did this time.

3.Confessions of a "food-a-holic"
More eerie than insane,but it works as a great stress-reliever for me.Do not worry about how much calories you might put upon,just go to the kitchen and get yourself prepared a delicious glass of icey strawberry shake with yoghurt.Sounds tempting,eh?

4.There's so much to explore!
Certainly,you cannot miss this one out. Life doesnt end at one point,and there's so much beyond the thorns on the road you have taken. So what if you cannot reach your destination?There's the grass,the birds,the calm river and many more thongs around you which you have not paid your attention to,but greatly deserve it because of their pacifying quality,and peace of mind is something above everything else.

Though these "tips" may be some of the commonly discussed ones,but I guess you would have never thought upon them so meticulously as you did it today. So,now that you have the top remedies to overcome the depression,I expect you to thank me :D


  1. Thank you so much shreya. It's wonderful. May be someone has heard of these points, but for me every point was a new experience. Your all points were awesome but i really liked the first two. Being an aspiring entrepreneur i can also understand how it feels when we fail. you have mentioned it in a explicit manner. And i would like to share that i use some other method when i fail every now and then. I repeat this line: "QUITTER NEVER WINS AND WINNER NEVER QUITS". This inspires me to move on again, forgetting what happened. Thanks a lot once again. Cheers :)

  2. A very meaningful statement that is! really supporting in situations of failure:)

  3. inspiring certainly...reading this as a friend...pretty much liked it...reading as a blog critic....little profusion(ironic aint that :P) of personal touch...which some people find hindering when trying to relate! :)
    and I'd recommend chocolate instead of strawberry shakes :D I'm sure nobody wishes to add to their Love Handles....

  4. Yup,not everybody can relate to one's personal options,but I do mention them everytime,so that people may try out the things which personally make me feel good,whats the harm in advising!may turn out to be useful for some,you never know!
    critics? I never cared for them(I have the reasons to NOT to blame myself on my failure :D )

  5. and this girl asks me to teac her how to chill... brilliant piece of work.....

    1. pka toh nam bhi "chiller" hai! :"D
      you are still the master at chilling dude! :)
