Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The "formidable" Indian aunties

We are living in India. Deal with it,we CANNOT find a way to escape them. They,whom you may spot keeping an eye on you from behind the curtains of their windows while you are moving out of your house,dressed for an occasion. They,who are ready with the latest updates of the daughter of your adjacent neighbours. THEY,who are always at dagger's drawn for raising up fights on issues as mere as throwing a leaf in their balcony. Welcome to the world of THE GREAT INDIAN AUNTIES.

It is the result of accumulation of strong feelings of hatred,at almost every point of life, towards these IA's(Indian Aunties) that has made me write against them today. If I ask you about your worst experience with the IAs,it is likely that it may fall in the below given categories:

1.BITCHER's : This one seems to be the most famous category,with my statistics saying that as many as 80% of IAs fall into this category. They have the latest masala gossips,they are the most sought out ones for those housewives craving for some entertainment. What was the reason behind the spat between the newly- wed couple at H.No120? Why did Mrs.Sharma's son arrive late at night? What made Mrs.Bawa batter her maid? How had her daughter lost ounces of weight in just few days? You ask them,and woosh!they have all the answers! Forecasters say that IAs are likely to replace the use of thesaurus soon.

2.THE RUSHERS: You encounter them almost everywhere. These "rushers" are always found whining over the need to stand in lines like civilised citizens and to wait for their turn to come up. The crowd of anxious ladies ready to get into the ladies coach before the Metro stops,who thereafter feel highly elated over the "victory" of managing a seat falls under this category.(My sister correctly quoted once,"Indian ladies think that ONLY men are not supposed to rush in while they're moving out!"). Rushers are found in other areas too,like buying tickets in a movie hall or those standing in queues in single-person entry areas. The very thought of  waiting in the queues startles them.

3.THE MATRIMONY WARD: These types of "creatures" usually begin to show their symptoms by the time you exit from your teenage. Their ultimate purpose is to mould you in a way that you become the best "marriage-material" in the city. "Its high time your daughter gets the hold of kitchen", "dont make her wear such dresses,no guy would like to see her wife in that!"are their common advises. Its observed that girls are commonly more serious victims than boys of such IAs.
4.THE 60's HEROINE : They make everyone turn their heads wherever they go. They can be best described by: Jittery clothes,pancake makeup,a sensuous hairstyle. They think that they look the best among the crowd they'r walking. But the moment they open their mouth to speak,you cant help yourself to stop mock at them.!

The list is endless.I can give you manifolds of such examples.

Whatever the present situation would be,it seems like the scenario is not going to change in some of the coming years atleast!

How have been your experiences with the IAs?Would love to hear from you :)


  1. Good going, sissy! We all hate them, the IAs. You're taking over my monopoly on blogging, now should that make me happy, or sad? :P
    Apparently, I am happy. Keep writing, you are real good. I'll tell you of some more stuff when I come back to Delhi. Enjoy. Keep rocking. \m/
