Monday, 23 July 2012

Four reasons why you should not blame yourself when you fail

  "If you are not failing every now and then,
its a sign you are not doing anything very innovative"
-Woody Allen

Rather the strongest lines that justify failures.
The topic might sound cliched to you,but I promise you will enjoy reading it,because it will give you reasons to be happy in life even when you lose in your attempts(no,Iam not any psychologist-in-disguise).

You build up your dreams,and are headed to achieve it,no matter how hard you will have to work for it. That,which is the most-important goal of your life,whose existence matters everything to you. And suddenly,all your dreams are shattered into innumerable(and apparently uncollectible) pieces. Life does not seem to move ahead(or rather,you choose not to move?),and nothing seems to be worth-loving-for.

Sounds melodramatic,I have never been through such a phase :D
Iv heard people saying this so often on their failure,that they feel like quitting everything from their life. Frankly speaking,this has happened with me too once or twice(note:while I was in school.Within a year,college has made learn to find ways to keep myself happy). My classmates used to whine upon matters as mundane as scoring a low grade in weekly tests(sick!) But does all this creeping-and-crying actually worth it?

As I said,I have learnt ways to keep myself happy,and so Iv found weird-yet-worthy ways to liften my mood in my failure. Following are the top four ways that work marveouslly to keep me happy:

1.I have such a great heart,thats just another example of my magnanimity!
"I have gifted my most precious thing for sake of someone else"-thats what hits my mind. However,the idea that everyone nowadays use it so frequently just for the sake of fun frustrates me,because when I say it I mean it. I really feel like a saint then,and have a positive feeling at some desolated corner of my heart that if not this,then there's something better waiting for me.

2."Its not the 101th blow that made the stone break,it were the preceding 100 blows!"
An idea to good to be pondered upon(and too good to be used as a vindication for your failure :p). Oh,failure again?Confers that Iam still not capable to handle the heavy load of victory! Never mind,Ive learned something new,and next time I'll be better than what I did this time.

3.Confessions of a "food-a-holic"
More eerie than insane,but it works as a great stress-reliever for me.Do not worry about how much calories you might put upon,just go to the kitchen and get yourself prepared a delicious glass of icey strawberry shake with yoghurt.Sounds tempting,eh?

4.There's so much to explore!
Certainly,you cannot miss this one out. Life doesnt end at one point,and there's so much beyond the thorns on the road you have taken. So what if you cannot reach your destination?There's the grass,the birds,the calm river and many more thongs around you which you have not paid your attention to,but greatly deserve it because of their pacifying quality,and peace of mind is something above everything else.

Though these "tips" may be some of the commonly discussed ones,but I guess you would have never thought upon them so meticulously as you did it today. So,now that you have the top remedies to overcome the depression,I expect you to thank me :D

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Are you a delhiite?

If say you have been living in Delhi for years and you thus are a delhiite,think twice before you use that term for yourself. The term "delhiite" comes with a caution in itself,and it shouldn't be used so lackadaisically.
If you are a true delhiite,then you are born with traits that distinguish you from people from any other part of the world. Its most likely that the "outsiders" would not like you for who you are,but you are so much imbibed in yourself that you hardly care about it!

To what extent are you a true delhiite ?

1.ATTITUDE, you feel it in everything you do. From fb statuses promulgating how much you love yourself,to initiating talks with a person. Why should I take the first step to sort the problems out with my friend? Why should I send the add request to her (So what if shes my classmate!)? Something about me has saddened her and that's why she is not talking to me,never mind! "I DONT CARE!" are their favourite words. Delhi people are born with attitude(its "mah" way and you cannot change it!) Its in their blood,everyone has it,just the amount varies.

2.FAKENESS is something that they cannot rid of. I believe more than 70% of people here in Delhi are fake in its true sense. You bought a shirt from a flee market and claim it out to be from a mall,that's a common practice,isnt it? They are intelligent(or selfish?) enough to pretend to be amicable to you,leaving not even a single trace to make you doubt their hatred for you,or how much they back-bite about you.."Dushmani kyu palni..patani kab kaam ajae yar!"

3.You love to binge on anything for free. Its funny though,because on on hand you fake to have a free hand for money infront of others(oh,so these are similar shirts,just the price difference?I'll still go with the costlier one) and on the other hand you dont spare the free ketchup sachets that you got with the burger. In less than a minute its inside your purse.Wow,you are such an expert.

4.Sadda haq,ethhe rakh! 
You are not bothered about what others might be think about you in this regard,you do not feel ashamed to claim your right,then be it about the free chutni with the samosa,or the free water you get with gol-gappas :D

5.Street food? "I just cant get enough!"
From Roshan di Kulfi to parantheywali galli,from kababs of Khan chacha to iced-milk from Keventer's,there's nothing that can satiate your voraciousness.

6.Delhi or Dil-hi??
Heartbroken and gloomed,life doesnt seem to become easier,and you dont know where you have to tread.
Still,you do not lose hope and you are out for a new venture,venture to find a new mate. In everything and everywhere, the "lonely" and heartbroken try to find out their love,then be it in metro or in a public bus(My personal favourite column in the daily's magazine HTCity is "dilse".Read it once,you will get the answer why I like it so much,it amazes me how people start loving each only by a single eye contact!)

7.Am I rowdy?Thats call coolness you pig!
I need not to give instances to prove myself here. Delhiites are famous(rather notorious) for this.While some of them enjoy being such,others misinterpret to be their "kewlness".This whole situation is healthy,until and unless it takes a monsterous form,as in the case of increasing road-rage accidents nowadays.

Now,are you proud of calling yourself a dilliwala?or are you conscious about the image it will make about you in the minds of  those who do not hail from delhi??

I heard you saying "chal na..bhaad me jae what they think about us".
Voila,You are a true delhiite! 

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The "formidable" Indian aunties

We are living in India. Deal with it,we CANNOT find a way to escape them. They,whom you may spot keeping an eye on you from behind the curtains of their windows while you are moving out of your house,dressed for an occasion. They,who are ready with the latest updates of the daughter of your adjacent neighbours. THEY,who are always at dagger's drawn for raising up fights on issues as mere as throwing a leaf in their balcony. Welcome to the world of THE GREAT INDIAN AUNTIES.

It is the result of accumulation of strong feelings of hatred,at almost every point of life, towards these IA's(Indian Aunties) that has made me write against them today. If I ask you about your worst experience with the IAs,it is likely that it may fall in the below given categories:

1.BITCHER's : This one seems to be the most famous category,with my statistics saying that as many as 80% of IAs fall into this category. They have the latest masala gossips,they are the most sought out ones for those housewives craving for some entertainment. What was the reason behind the spat between the newly- wed couple at H.No120? Why did Mrs.Sharma's son arrive late at night? What made Mrs.Bawa batter her maid? How had her daughter lost ounces of weight in just few days? You ask them,and woosh!they have all the answers! Forecasters say that IAs are likely to replace the use of thesaurus soon.

2.THE RUSHERS: You encounter them almost everywhere. These "rushers" are always found whining over the need to stand in lines like civilised citizens and to wait for their turn to come up. The crowd of anxious ladies ready to get into the ladies coach before the Metro stops,who thereafter feel highly elated over the "victory" of managing a seat falls under this category.(My sister correctly quoted once,"Indian ladies think that ONLY men are not supposed to rush in while they're moving out!"). Rushers are found in other areas too,like buying tickets in a movie hall or those standing in queues in single-person entry areas. The very thought of  waiting in the queues startles them.

3.THE MATRIMONY WARD: These types of "creatures" usually begin to show their symptoms by the time you exit from your teenage. Their ultimate purpose is to mould you in a way that you become the best "marriage-material" in the city. "Its high time your daughter gets the hold of kitchen", "dont make her wear such dresses,no guy would like to see her wife in that!"are their common advises. Its observed that girls are commonly more serious victims than boys of such IAs.
4.THE 60's HEROINE : They make everyone turn their heads wherever they go. They can be best described by: Jittery clothes,pancake makeup,a sensuous hairstyle. They think that they look the best among the crowd they'r walking. But the moment they open their mouth to speak,you cant help yourself to stop mock at them.!

The list is endless.I can give you manifolds of such examples.

Whatever the present situation would be,it seems like the scenario is not going to change in some of the coming years atleast!

How have been your experiences with the IAs?Would love to hear from you :)