*This blogpost picks up on those who are against LGBT rights,those Neanderthals who proclaim that they are something unnecessary,a travailing effort by Indians to call themselves "westernized"
"Supreme Court rejects the plea to review gay sex"
Really? Someone please pinch me,is it really 21st Century India that Iam living in?
The judgement left me flummoxed. At an age where we are so invigorous about standing for our birth rights,this judgement is really hard to accept. Not just because it is an anachronism,but also because it deprives us of our fundamental human rights.
So,what is the basis of this Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code?
The section reads that same-sex relations are a crime,it bans homosexuality. It was included in our system back in 1967,by Lord McCaulay who introduced this with an objective of creating a different race of Indians who were English in their own ways( " anglicised",which they refer to as),ones who were more capable of doing the "raj".
Today, Britain is bereft of the anti-homosexuality law,but we STILL continue to espouse them. Contemplating and comical,isnt it?
They say,that if we fight for the LGBT rights, we are trying to be westernised. Seriously? Well,lets not talk about the west then. Even if you look at the Eastern countries,we see that a country such as Kazakhsthan accepted the homosexuality rights back in 1998. Japan,a country rich and known for its morals and traditions, made its doors open to the LGBTs a long back,in 1880. A country less developed than India,Indonesia,too gives full freedom to its citizens to choose for their "nature of love".
Talking about the previously colonised countries,isnt it surprising that South Africa never really had any law prohibiting love among the "female-lovers"(lesbians,which they term as)..the gay rights were later introduced in 2007 in their system. Oh Indian politicians and judiciary,if not this,atleast reckon at the neighbouring Nepal,which too opened its doors for LGBTs in 2007.
So what do we say now? Are we trying to be "Easternised"?
A sense of respect for Belgians clouds me,who have whole-heartedly accepted their single and gay PM,probably the single most gay PM in the whole world.
How and why same-sex attraction is unnatural is a point of debate for me..when it is the nature itself has seeded such "kind of attraction" in the gays and lesbians?
And why is there a need to pry about their bedroom-behaviour?? Don't you call them grotesque ,it is US acting deformed here,not THEM.
"On 16 December, D, 25, a Kolkata resident, was returning home, from the fashion boutique he owns, when some people on the street threw eggs at him. A day or two earlier, a group of approximately seven men from the neighbourhood had blocked his way, demanding to know how much they would have to pay him in return for sexual favours. He was also groped on the street. D, or Diya as he is known among friends, is a man who is feminine in his ways. Sometimes, though not often, he likes to dress like a woman and wear make-up. He is a transgender, in love with another man."
And its not just about a singleton..its not about this single person,or just this single event. There are such uncountable persons which have to face such uncountable events,as the people in our country still continue to treat them as disparate species.
Hoping for a day when this hypocritical and enslaved country ..a country freed from the Britishers but still is their slave in its own sense, would be empathetic to its citizens, Iam reminded of that what once Rabrindranath Tagore quoted:
" Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake."
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