Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Now that's true love !

In response to the uniquely-amusing news which I read recently

No,it's nothing related to India,for a change!
The headline read as follows:  

"Now, robotic undies that allow long-distance lovers touch each other"

My first reaction to it,aghast. I glanced through it,yet again. And as I move my eyes down to read the succeeding article,what followed was a series of words that "embellished" the above title. Some of the "I-can't-miss-to-quote" excerpts,out of the article are:
  • The idea is to allow couples separated by distance to remotely stimulate each other 
  • Billie Whitehouse, an Australian fashion designer who worked on the project insists the garments are comfortable, despite the electronic gadgets inside.
  • According to the firm's Fundawear Facebook page, couples can volunteer to become involved in further trials. 
  • Snepo have built the Fundawear garments, which contain small vibrating and pulsating actuators that can be remotely controlled via a mobile phone app.

"Now that's true love!", exclaimed my sister,and we both started smirking . I couldn't agree less with her! 
Its 21st century, an age where gas stoves have replaced chullahs,an age where filters and condensers have replaced earthen pots,an age where robots are slowly replacing humans for doing chores. But,never in my dreams I thought that people would soon be wearing e-undergarments,UGs which will "make you feel too good",which will make your love towards your "soulmate"(Iam afraid this new concept would just debauch the purity of the word) deeper.
Hope this revolution brings a positive change!

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