Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Now that's true love !

In response to the uniquely-amusing news which I read recently

No,it's nothing related to India,for a change!
The headline read as follows:  

"Now, robotic undies that allow long-distance lovers touch each other"

My first reaction to it,aghast. I glanced through it,yet again. And as I move my eyes down to read the succeeding article,what followed was a series of words that "embellished" the above title. Some of the "I-can't-miss-to-quote" excerpts,out of the article are:
  • The idea is to allow couples separated by distance to remotely stimulate each other 
  • Billie Whitehouse, an Australian fashion designer who worked on the project insists the garments are comfortable, despite the electronic gadgets inside.
  • According to the firm's Fundawear Facebook page, couples can volunteer to become involved in further trials. 
  • Snepo have built the Fundawear garments, which contain small vibrating and pulsating actuators that can be remotely controlled via a mobile phone app.

"Now that's true love!", exclaimed my sister,and we both started smirking . I couldn't agree less with her! 
Its 21st century, an age where gas stoves have replaced chullahs,an age where filters and condensers have replaced earthen pots,an age where robots are slowly replacing humans for doing chores. But,never in my dreams I thought that people would soon be wearing e-undergarments,UGs which will "make you feel too good",which will make your love towards your "soulmate"(Iam afraid this new concept would just debauch the purity of the word) deeper.
Hope this revolution brings a positive change!

Thursday, 18 April 2013

The wise sayings: Hype and the reality part II

 In love with the My-Kind quotes

"My kind quotes"??
That's what you might be thinking about. I call them by this name,as out of the millions of the quotations,citations and excerpts,I'm in love with specifically these ones.Why?

They say,your acts must be always the ethically justified..that,if you're not doing something morally correct,you're a sinner. The "my kind"quotes give me the best lessons,the best logic,and most importantly,corroborate my each decision,no matter how correct or wrong I may be(in ethical terms). The best feature: they are the most pragmatic quotes that work according to the present day vicious society.

I ended my previous blog post with a note ,that the sayings by the great-great people have become anachronistic: they are of no use if you apply them in this "corrupt and malicious" society. Being ingenuous here doesn't bring much good to you,you are always exploited for you goodness(Do I need to exemplify?The "my kind" quotes are such a collection which makes it easier for me to deal with the problems in their raw+crude form,rather than portraying them as something which can be taken over "by love and good human deeds".

Here are my topmost favourite quotations:

1.“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.”  ― Albert Camus
Consider a situation: You know a person inside-out whom you have to work with,he knows about his traits too-he is lazy,he is the one who carries absolutely no knowledge about anything,he knows he is the weakest in your group. But still,he continues to pretend to be "I know everything" sort of person,argues on an intelligent topic giving the stupidest views. Its a pestering feeling,remember in such a situation what  Camus said :)

2.“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
Stupids stupids everywhere,not a place to go
How I wish people assimilate the above fact,people won't be fretted by them anymore! :)

3."How can a women be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her  as if she were a perfectly normal human being" -Oscar Wilde
It is rather a feminist "my-kind" quote - it justifies all those women who have dumped their "better half" (or halves? ) for reasons such as: he has not paid attention to her,he has not given her time or that he has taken her for-granted(reasons which people say are paltry to be acknowledged for a breakup). Don't incline much girls,a guy who hasn't valued you for once will never value you in future,too!

4.“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. ” ― Mark Twain
The word "ignorance" here specially caught my eyes.You know you cannot get rid of a person: someone who is you "friend" but her nature pisses you off. Instead of cribbing all the time about how much you dislike her,ignore her actions to an extent that they do not bother you the next time you "encounter" them,then be it if says she's a better human than anyone else,or if she says she can manage better marks is she studies as much as you do(such questions are irresistible to answer,but..ignore!) Ignorance is a bliss.

5.“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” ― AndrĂ© Gide
I would prefer to be looked down with hatred,than being fakingly sugary-sweet to everyone.It helps me to continue to be the way Iam,and not to change myself to suit others.

6.“Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.” 
The obvious situations that suits this is: when you have been candid in saying something too bitter for someone to accept.They won't  forgive you easily,inspite of the fact that they themselves know the truth. Its the saddest part with those who support the ethically correct thing: you never have an easy path. But,continue to abide by your ideas,not caring about if you are forgiven or not.

7.“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” ― Mark Twain
For all those double-sided people out there,who pretend to be good at face but leave no chance of back-stabbing you. Their act doesn't astound me anymore,as I always have this quote in my mind.It has also made believe in another thing: no one is totally saintly-natured. So next time you meet someone who is all sweet to you,and about whom you haven't heard any bitching, do not presume her to be a saint,remember, everyone has a dark side which they show when the appropriate time arrives.

8.“There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people.” ― G.K. Chesterton
I don't know if its just me or anyone else around me thinks alike too,but I've started feeling as if the "quality" of people around me has deteriorated. Either,they don't understand me,or I don't understand them. This quote comes as a saviour to me,when I present my out-of-the-line ideas,and I find no supporters. The blog I'm currently writing bears not many followers,someone even told me its a wastage of time to sit and write such stuff. It did infuriate me,but I let it go,as,its the people who are fallacious,and not the ideas and innovations.

Friday, 5 April 2013

The wise sayings: Hype and the Reality.

Part 1

When I was a toddler,I was taught by my teachers that "The evil gets punished, the god watches all". Being a child,I kept faith in their words,accepted it as my dogma. But as I "grew up",my cognitive thinking made one thing clear to me-no matter how much evil you may be,you make up a happier and a "reputed" living  if you have a strong network of contacts (which is indeed true, isn't it? In India, you need not to be worried about anything if your uncle is a MLA,or if your father is an IAS) It was difficult for me to accept things as they were coming to me in my adolescence,the real facet of the society. 

I have started to develop an abhorrence towards such wise sayings.I know,they are internationally acclaimed,the venerated men and their experiences can never be wrong. Maybe in a long run I'll be able to understand the value of what they cited,but their sayings makes no sense to me when I apply to the contemperory society.

I exemplify my point of view as follows:

Consider what was quoted by Albert Einstein:“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value”.
In the present day situation,committing an unethical deed is absolutely OKAY,as far as it helps you to become successful.Not many women would falter to declare a rape attempt by their boss(in case it never happened), if it helps them to manage a great position in the company as a compensation.

“To err is human, to forgive, divine.” ― Alexander Pope 
Okay,I don't want to sound sarcastic,but how many people in actual forgive the ones who have held war against you? Forget everything,the aunt in my neighborhood is among one of those,who engages a rebellion if you dared to ring their doorbell by mistake. The newer versions should be: "Forgive them on their face,but someday,silently, avenge for what they did" . Sounds more realistic.

And then there's this one : “No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank
People want to follow this,it seems,but the present day situation(where the one who is magnanimously paying for charity is looted unceasingly by a plethora of organisations,one after the another) makes it difficult for them to do the charity,ultimately renders them poor.  I remember the nuns at my school repeating the same quotation every time we were asked to pay bucks,in the name of charity,no matter whatever the event used to be(then be it any damn stupid ceremony!) Shelled out a great sum from us.

It seems like the "wise" sayings are rather anachronistic. I'll present to you a much "robust" and appropriate set of quotations which can fit well in the present-day in my next blog post.