Thursday, 16 October 2014

To be or not to be pragmatic.

"Pragmatism belittles you.".
Being a pragmatic person,it was difficult for me to read past these words. 

Before you start wondering what actually pragmatism is,allow me to tell you. Wikipedia describes pragmatism as an approach that evaluates theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application. A philosophical tradition that started back in 1870s in America, pragmatism rejects the idea that the function of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality. To put down in simple terms,pragmatism chooses facts over thoughts and sentiments.

It concerned me for a while to read those words. So,while I was trying to delicately balance out the two sides of the pros and cons of pragmatism,I was left in a dilemma over the question of to be or not to be a pragmatist.

Iv always seen "non-pragmatism" as a vulnerable state. A weak position that prefers feelings over facts,a world  that shuns reality and covets the fancy. Because lets face it,it instills a hope- sometimes practical,sometimes gravely impractical.

If this is the case,then how can pragmatism belittle oneself?
Pragmatism chooses mind over heart. It disregards the sweet pleasure of spontaneity,the value of selflessness. Philosophy and literature hold no importance. The sayings and quotations which urge a man to be divine sound cliched and unreasonable to a pragmatist. So while Pretty woman, Beauty and the beast and  the Cinderella stories unfold the layers of the heart of the Non-Ps(Non Pragmatists), such artistic masterpieces leave no thumbprint on the pragmatists. 

Some may say that the virtue of suppression your feelings over the fear of consequences is unworthy. "Life is short to think and act" they say. Others may argue that it is a farcical thing to believe in.("Prevention is better than cure"?). So while the beauty of  "drifting with the sentiments in the moment"  is disdained by the utilitarians,the Non-Ps find it reasonable.The pragmatists will never understand the philosopher's compulsion, and vice versa

Now to be or not to be a pragmatist is the question. Clearly,one can say that pragmatism is the right thing to do because it saves you from the brunt of the consequences. Yet,why isn't it appreciated by us? 

I see people preferring the non-P category over the P all the time. There are people who devote their lifetime working selflessly in NGOs at a minimal wage. Some keep solid perseverance of keep trying in a mismatched relationship with a hope that "maybe,this time it will work" until it leaves them with deep wounds.

 I cant remember how many people appreciated that girl who dumped her boyfriend because he earned less than her-she was unwilling to live a struggling life after marriage. On her back,she was cursed by the people for her deed. Don't you think it was a correct thing to do? After all,she was being pragmatic!

Is this a sign that this society, which  has presently taken a parasitic form that is continuously deriving pleasure out of the grievances of the people, has a hope? That a world where sentiments are given importance over selfishness can be  restored? 

I see what being a non-pragmatist for a moment did to me: it left me with a hope,a false hope.