Saturday, 12 April 2014

What happiness CANNOT do

Is it just me or someone else too thinks that "happiness" is a hyped phenomena?Yes,phenomena.

Since childhood,we are taught lessons of how and what should be done to remain happy. We were told that "serving the poor brings happiness",or "earning a healthy sum is the ultimate source of happiness". Whatever we do,we do to be hapy. Iam studying to get a job that would keep me happy in future,our parents work hard to give us comforts and keep us happy. It seems like every emotion fades in front of this single sentiment.

But consider this: Its not our happy experiences that come into our mind first if asked about our past. On monetizing our past experiences,those which bear the most brunt are not the moments which gifted us gaiety,but are those experiences which left us with bitter memories.

And that is why I say,happiness is a hyped sentiment. That "happiness is the ultimate thing that's desirable for a complete living " is a  paradox in itself,the statement appears to be glossy but adorns a rough surface beneath. Its not all the truth,just like the mirage effect which appears to be true to the thirsty deer but turns out to be false as and when you reach it.

Without other emotions,happiness is incomplete in itself. Sufferings and tribulations are as important as happiness. And I say this not only because its a law of nature that "too much sweetness causes disease",OR for that matter that "every object is a  magnet with positive and negative, both the poles together..each which comes into play as and when needed".

Happiness is about maximizing your benefits and comforts in life,but sufferings take you to a different course.

Sufferings take you deeper down to yourself. Its a phenomena too mystical to understand.
Consider the loss of your mother,or someone too  dear whose absence makes you piquant.  How do you survive through the situation?

When you face hard situations,you relieve yourself of your comfort layer..the layer in which you v been residing for years. You move down to the deeper you,just to discover now an entirely different area to which  you were unknown that ever existed in you. You retrospect ,ask yourself questions.You draw out conclusions..never in  life you v thought so much. The suffering lacerates you to a new,stronger you.

It not just acquaints you to the new identity,but also makes you lay open to your talents which you were unaware of. It tells you of your limitations,of what you can/cannot do. It was the shrilling pain inside you that helped you make that wonderful music,or write down the book about your journey of problems. No matter how hard you may try to not to feel bad,of to keep your emotions under control,you are not able to do that. And that's when and where you realize how pragmatic you are,of what's your tendency on reacting to direst situations. Sufferings leave you with supernatural powers.

Lastly, sufferings leave you with experiences. Valuable experiences. You recount memories,and feel of what you should/should not have done.That you didnt devote your time on your mother while she was ailing,leaves you with lessons of what NOT to be done in future,so that you do not lose your another close-ones. It gives you an experience of what sortof people you should trust,who would stand by you in your difficult times.

HOW TO REACT in situations of sufferings

"Emotional outbursts" are not mandatory,please understand this. Some people also find it that its moral responsibility to suffer in arid situations,that it is a responsibility to respond well to it. Its not that,but also,it doesn't mean that you try to create a jocund environment,or try to rejuvenate  the hedonism by going around partying. What you must do is,transform the pain into holiness. And this does NOT mean you sit hours chanting rhymes infront of idols in the temples. It means,convert your pain into something holy. Spawn donations in name of your beloved one, distribute clothes and food among the poor. THAT is what is being holy- serve the mankind.

Recovering from a suffering is like recovering from a disease. Many people won't come out absolutely healed,but they would come new. and that is why I say,sufferings are as desirable as happiness.